Hope, Compassion, and
Community in East Hamilton
Welcome to the Nativity!
We strive to be a community rooted and grounded in the love of God.
Because God’s love welcomes us and transforms our lives, we reach out to care for one another and the world around us. In all we do as we seek to grow closer to God in Jesus.In our worship and prayer, in our service to the wider community, in everything—we want to be a place where all are welcome to explore and to be nurtured by faith and community. If we haven’t met you yet, we hope that exploring this website will help you to get to know us a bit in preparation for a visit; if we have, we hope that it’s a place that will support your faith journey.
The Church of the Nativity is a parish of the Anglican Diocese of Niagara in the city of Hamilton.
Please join us in person Sunday at 8:30 a.m. or 10:00 a.m. or watch our 10:00 a.m. services via Youtube.