If you’d like to join in-person worship at the Nativity, please call the office to pre-register. We continue to maintain 2 meters of distance between different household groups. Masks must be worn properly at all times inside the building. Our 10 o’clock Eucharist will continue to be live-streamed each week.
You can join in worshipping on Sunday, live or later, via YouTube! We’ll continue to offer a welcome at about 9:45, followed by some prelude music. The service will begin at 10 am. The service will be posted to YouTube, and you can use the same link to join in later.
If you’re joining in from afar, keep this order of service handy so you can participate in the service! It has all the responses, the hymn texts, and special prayers you might choose to use while those attending in person receive the eucharist.
This week, we’ll hear Isaiah sharing God’s invitation to draw close to our God, who provides all that we need. (Isaiah 55.1-9). We’ll also hear Jesus share a parable about patience and nurturing–even when the recipients of our care seemingly aren’t bearing fruit. (Luke 13.1-9)