All are welcome to attend in-person services. Entry to the building is solely from the main doors on King Street East. Weather permitting, coffee hour will follow the ten o’clock service in the Nativity Gardens. Masks are not required, but with the current surge in COVID cases we do highly recommend that you wear a high-quality medical-mask for services.
Service Guidelines have changed; learn more here.
You can join the service, live or later, via YouTube. The live-stream will begin at 9:45 am, and the service itself will begin at 10am. You’ll still be able to watch or re-watch it on YouTube at the same link any time thereafter.
Keep this order of service handy! It has the readings, the responses, and hymn texts–so you can join in as fully as possible from afar.
The first reading this week is from the prophet Amos. It’s a great passage, showing him at his doom-iest and gloom-iest, while simultaneously showing him sharing God’s thirst for justice and care for those who are impoverished and oppressed–and all by describing a basket of summer fruit (Amos 8.1–12).
The gospel passage is a brief and powerful description of Martha being concerned that her sister isn’t helping her with her work–and Jesus helping her re-frame and re-direct her attention. (Luke 10.38–42).