The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity may have concluded yesterday, but here in East Hamilton we’re gearing up for the most visible expression of that unity in our community. For thirty-two years now, parishes of multiple denominations have gathered together on the Wednesday nights in Lent for worship and social time. Whether we start with food and then worship or vice versa, folk from Faith Lutheran, Holy Cross Roman Catholic, Pioneer Memorial United and St. Columba Presbyterian, and the Church of the Nativity have welcomed others from the neighbourhood as we prepare with joy to celebrate Easter! We move from one community’s normal place of worship to the next on successive Wednesdays. The priest or minister from the host community presides at the service, and one from somewhere else offers a reflection.
Each year, a theme ties the services together; this year, our focus is Journey Toward the Cross. We’ll tell the stories of significant moments in the life of Jesus that offer a glimpse of what God’s overwhelming love will look like in the Crucifixion and Resurrection. Together we’ll hear about Anna and Simeon meeting the Messiah, and offering prophecies; about Jesus and God’s message being rejected in Jesus’ hometown; about the disciple Peter recognizing who Jesus is–and also not getting what that good news means; and about Jesus chasing from the temple all who try to limit everyone’s access to God.
Below this post, you’ll find a list of the service locations on the four nights of the series. We hope that they’ll feed you as together we prepare with joy to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus and the new life God offers in the fullness of God’s love!
Date | Location | Speaker |
February 21 | Holy Cross | The Reverend Tim Kennedy |
February 28 | St. Columba & Pioneer | Pastor Merz |
March 7 | Church of the Nativity | Father Marijan |
March 14 | Faith Lutheran | The Reverend Canon David Linn |