Join the Church of the Nativity for Sunday Prayers on May 30th! Our new streaming solution has now been set-up, so we will now be streaming to YouTube. Peter will offer music for a few minutes beforehand, and the service will begin at 9:30. It will be visible on YouTube afterwards as well, so if you’re joining in later, that will work just fine. (It may take YouTube a little while to have the video recording of the service listed for later viewing. Just check back on our channel to look for it.)
The order of service is available here.
This Sunday is one of the seven principal feasts of the Church’s year: Trinity Sunday! Our honorary assistant, the Reverend Canon David Linn, will be preaching. Here’s what Sundays and Seasons has to say about this week’s readings.
When we say God is the triune God, we are saying something about who God is beyond, before, and after the universe: that there is community within God. Our experience of this is reflected in Paul’s words today [Note that we won’t be using this reading at the Nativity; you can find it here.] . When we pray to God as Jesus prayed to his Abba (an everyday, intimate parental address), the Spirit prays within us, creating between us and God the same relationship Jesus has with the one who sent him.