The 4 o’clock service on Christmas Eve is meant to be a bit easier for younger people!
We tell the Christmas story in bite-sized chunks, interspersed with singing carols; we set up the Nativity scene in front of the altar; we share in the eucharist.
Children are “the sacrament that won’t sit still”–and it’s okay for them to be who they are, complete with all the extra energy they might have on this special night.
You can join the service on YouTube!
The stream will begin shortly before 4 pm, and you’re able to watch or re-watch the live-stream at this YouTube link at any time.
The order of service is available here.
Having it handy will make it easier to join in more fully–includes the words to the hymns, the readings & all of the responses. It also has prayers that you may wish to use as those physically present receive the eucharist.