You can join the service on YouTube!
The stream will begin shortly before 10 am, and you’re able to watch or re-watch the live-stream at this YouTube link at any time.
The order of service is available here.
Having it handy will make it easier to join in more fully–includes the words to the hymns, the readings & all of the responses. It also has prayers that you may wish to use as those physically present receive the eucharist.
Today is the Third Sunday after Pentecost. We’ll hear in the gospel a key passage that helps us to hear the core of the good news as Mark shares it with us. Here’s what Sundays and Seasons offers as a reflection on the readings.
A house divided against itself cannot stand. Jesus makes this observation in light of charges that he is possessed. He is possessed, not by a demon, but by the Holy Spirit. We who have received the Holy Spirit through baptism have been joined to Christ’s death and resurrection and knit together in the body of Christ. Those with whom we sing and pray this day are Jesus’ family. With them we go forth in peace to do the will of God.
Our cover image is “A House Built on Rock” by Peter Koenig. The artist has granted permission for the non-commercial use of this work with attribution. Thank you, Mr. Koenig! Peter Winfried (Canisius) Koenig, https://www.pwkoenig.co.uk/