We strongly encourage you to wear a high-quality medical mask for in person attendance at worship. Although not required, this advice comes from the provincial Chief Medical Officer of Health and Hamilton’s Medical Officer of Health, and from diocesan guidelines. Wearing a mask while indoors in public is the best way to protect yourself and others.

You can join the service, live or later, via YouTube. The live-stream will begin at about 6:45 pm, and the service will begin at 7 pm. You are able to watch or re-watch it on YouTube at this link at any later time.
The order of service is available here. It includes the readings, all the responses, and the words of the hymns, to help you join in as fully as possible via the live-stream.
This is Maundy Thursday. Tonight we remember Jesus washing the feet of the disciples–and remember the service we’re called to by washing the feet of all who wish. We remember the giving of the new commandment, and the institution of the eucharist. After communion, the sacrament will be taken to the altar of repose in the chapel, and the church will be stripped bare. Sundays and Seasons offers this reflection on the day and the readings we’ll hear:
This evening our Lenten observance comes to an end, and we gather with Christians around the world to celebrate the Three Days of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Tonight we remember Christ’s last meal with his disciples, but the central focus is his commandment that we live out the promise embodied in this meal. As Jesus washed his disciples’ feet, so we are called to give and receive love in humble service to one another. Formed into a new body in Christ through this holy meal, we are transformed by the mercy we have received and carry it into the world. Departing worship in solemn silence, we anticipate the coming days.