You can join the service, live or later, via YouTube.
The stream begins shortly before 7 pm (EDT). You’re able to watch or re-watch the stream at this link on YouTube at any later time.
The order of service is available here.
You may want to have it handy while joining the stream. The order of service includes the readings and responses, and the words to the hymns, to make it easier to join in participating via the live stream. It also includes prayers you may wish to use during the reception of the Eucharist.
This night is the beginning of the Triduum, the Great Three Days as we enter into the paschal mystery of the crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Tonight we remember the last night of Jesus’s life. He gathered with his disciples for the Passover meal–only to surprise them by washing their feet. It was as awkward and uncomfortable for them as it is for those who will have their feet washed this night at the church, but Jesus does this to show us who he is as our servant–and who we are called to be, as his servants. Then they shared in the Passover meal, and we recall the institution of the Eucharist. At the end of our service, we’ll process the Reserved Sacrament out of the church to the altar of repose in the chapel.
Today has a strange name that comes from the gospel passage we proclaim this night. Jesus gives his followers ‘a new commandment.’ Commandment in Latin is mandatum; over time, that word became corrupted and we now use the shortened form of “Maundy” to treasure the commandment we are given by Jesus.