- Home Prayers During a Time of Pandemic:
these prayers were put together by the Diocese of Niagara’s liturgical officer. They’re simple and easy to follow. They also include a bunch of optional prayers specifically for healing and calming anxiety. - Forward Day by Day:
Produced by the Forward Movement–an organization of the Episcopal Church of the United States–this great daily resource offers a short scriptural passage, a reflection on that passage, and some questions worth pondering in prayer. - Daily Prayer:
The Church has a long tradition of praying at specific times of the day. Our Book of Alternative Services and Book of Common Prayer both have ways of praying in the morning, at midday, in the evening, and before bed. The easiest way to start praying what’s called the Daily Office is using a web page from the Forward Movement that provides the current prayer office based on what time it is right now! - Home Prayers:
If you have a copy of the Book of Alternative Services at home with you, check out pages 685–95. This section is called Home Prayers, and it offers a pattern of prayer that’s easily adaptable. Right now, you might want to use the gathering for Lent on page 688. (If you don’t have a BAS at home, you can look at it online.)