Sunday, 14 November

Our 10 o’clock Eucharist will be live-streamed to YouTube. The stream will begin at 9:45, with a welcome and then about fifteen minutes of prelude music, The service will begin at 10 am. You can also take part in the service at a later time.

The order of service is available here.

The First World War memorial window at the Nativity: an angel on clouds surmounting the caption "Death is swallowed up in victory" (1 Cor 15.54).
The First World War memorial window at the Nativity.

This week’s service begins with an Act of Remembrance, before we continue with the readings for the 25th Sunday after Pentecost.

We’ll hear the story of Hannah praying to God for a child (1 Samuel 1.4-20). (If we had more readings, instead of the psalm we’d hear Hannah’s prayer–it’s worth reading! 1 Samuel 2.1-10) We’ll also hear Jesus predicting the temple’s destruction in our final reading from Mark’s gospel of this liturgical year (13.1-8)

This section of Mark is sometimes called the “Little Apocalypse.” Apocalypse literally means a revealing of what’s hidden; in this passage–as in similar ones in other gospels–we hear a vision of the end of the age combined with instruction about how to be prepared and serve God through it.

Check out the Fellowship for the Performing Arts‘ dramatic production of Mark’s gospel. In just under five minutes, Max McLean brings this chapter to life in ways that make it easier to hear and make sense of.