You can join the service, live or later, via YouTube. The live-stream begins at about 9:45 am, and the service begins at 10 am. You will also be able to watch or re-watch the stream on YouTube at this link at any later time.
The order of service is available here. It includes the readings, responses, and the words to the hymns–helping you to join in as fully as possible via the live-stream.
Today is the seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost. Sundays and Seasons offers this reflection on today’s readings:
Matthew narrates one of Jesus’ controversial parables in which Jesus says that the reign of God is like that of a landowner who pays his workers the same wage no matter what time of day they began to work. God is gracious and merciful, abounding in steadfast love. In baptism we receive the grace of God that is freely given to all. As Martin Luther wrote, in the presence of God’s mercy we are all beggars.
Our cover image is a painting from the workshop of Leopold Layer, referred to as “Moses and the Israelites.” The image is in the public domain.