Due to the wide-spread community transmission of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, our worship services are currently only online. We encourage you to limit the number of people you encounter, and to get the vaccinations and boosters that are available to you: keep yourself as safe as possible, and strive to protect others!
You can join in our Sunday service, live or later, via YouTube. The stream will begin at about 9:45 with a welcome and some prelude music; the service will begin at 10 am.
To make it easier to join in the responses and to sing along with the hymn of the day, make sure you have the order of service to hand!
We’ll hear Paul urging the followers of Jesus in Corinth to pursue love even in the midst of strife (1st Corinthians 13.1-13), to act intentionally in loving ways as the most excellent gift of God to us. We’ll also hear the folk in Jesus’s hometown of Nazareth reject his teaching, and violently reject both Jesus and what he has to say (Luke 4.21-30).
Sundays and Seasons offers this reflection on these readings:
The glory of God is often revealed when and where it is least expected. God uses our lips to declare that glory, inexperienced and hesitant though they may be. God uses our love to demonstrate that glory and so urges us to exercise it. God uses Jesus of Nazareth, water and the word, bread and wine, to reveal God’s glory where and when God chooses. Take heed, lest the glory of God slip through our midst unnoticed.