Sunday, August 27 – the 13th Sunday after Pentecost

Masks are not required, although some people continue to wear them to services–you’re welcome at the Nativity, whatever decision you make for yourself!

Icon of St. Peter

You can join the service, live or later, via YouTube. The live-stream begins at about 9:45 am, and the service begins at 10 am. You will also be able to watch or re-watch the stream on YouTube at this link at any later time.

The order of service is available here. It includes the readings, responses, and the words to the hymns–helping you to join in as fully as possible via the live-stream.

Today is the thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Here’s Sundays and Seasons reflection on today’s readings:
Jesus declares that the church will be built on the rock of Peter’s bold confession of faith. God’s word of reconciliation and God’s mercy are keys to the church’s mission. Paul urges us to not be conformed to this world but to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, using our individual gifts to build up the body of Christ. From the table we go forth to offer our spiritual worship through word and deed.

Our cover image is an icon of St. Peter the Apostle.