Worship Services

In worship, we entrust ourselves to God. We gather in fellowship, hear the scriptures proclaimed, offer our concerns and thanks to God, and share in the bread and wine of the eucharist. Strengthened by gathering, we return to the world around us to live with courage, act with justice, and choose with love as we proclaim the hope we have from God.
When we worship, we respond to God’s love shared with us in Jesus. Each Sunday is a mini-version of Easter, when we celebrate the great good news of Jesus’ resurrection and our new life in him. In response, we gather to celebrate the Eucharist: the bread and wine that become the body and blood of Jesus. Baptism also happens during these services.
Sundays at 8:30 a.m.
Quiet and contemplative, our 8:30 celebration of the Eucharist has a homily but no music.
Sundays at 10:00 a.m.
This Choral Eucharist is the main celebration of Sunday, including hymns and other singing. From September to June, the choir helps lead the singing, and a children’s program and supervised nursery are available. The 10am service is followed by coffee and conversation in Bartonville Hall.
If you’re interested in more information about the other sacraments of the Church that are rooted in the life of the parish, such as reconciliation and confirmation, please do write or call the rector. In emergency need for prayers as someone is dying, please call the church office immediately at (905) 549 – 4335.