Fifth Sunday of Easter (28 April)

A kiwi vine stretches skyward.

This morning’s live-stream can be viewed on YouTube.

The order of service is available here.
You may wish to have it handy when joining via the live-stream. It includes the words to the hymns, the readings & the responses, and makes it easier to participate remotely. It also includes prayers you may wish to pray during the reception of the Eucharist.

Today is the Fifth Sunday of Easter. We’re especially glad to welcome as our guest preacher the Very Rev. Dr. Tim Dobbin, Rector of Christ’s Church Cathedral and Dean of Niagara.

Here’s a note from Sundays and Seasons that speaks to the readings we’ll reflect on together.
This Sunday’s image of how the risen Christ shares his life with us is the image of the vine. Christ the vine and we the branches are alive in each other, in the mystery of mutual abiding described in the gospel and the first letter of John. Baptism makes us a part of Christ’s living and life-giving self and makes us alive with Christ’s life. As the vine brings food to the branches, Christ feeds us at his table. We are sent out to bear fruit for the life of the world.

Our cover image is a photograph of a kiwi vine growing upward toward the sky. The photo was shared by flickr user Anthrovik under the CC BY 2.0 license.