Passion Sunday with the Liturgy of the Palms

Nativity Decorated for Palm SundayOur journey through Holy Week begins as we remember Jesus entering Jerusalem, as people spread their cloaks and leafy branches before him. You can read the story here. As we enter into the mysteries of Holy Week which reach their climax at Good Friday and at Easter, we begin with palms strewing the way and a procession of our own.

We hear the good news of that strange parade, its humble echoing of Pilate’s parade entering the city–and everything seems to lurch into motion, unravelling before our eyes.

But for the first moment, we cry Hosanna! We sing hymns of praise. And we long for the coming of God’s reign in all its fullness.

Palm Procession
We follow the cross.
The gospel is proclaimed.
The gospel is proclaimed.
A woman lights a candle and offers prayers.
We offer prayers for the church and the world.
Matthew presides at the Eucharist
We share in communion
An infant is blessed at the altar rail.
We rejoice in God’s blessing.
The choir sings an anthem.
And we offer our songs of praise and prayer.

Our journey through Holy Week continues with the a potluck supper on Thursday evening at 5:30, and our service at 7:00. Our Good Friday liturgy is at 10:00 am. We join with parishioners throughout our region at Christ’s Church Cathedral at 9 pm on Saturday, and our celebration of the Resurrection of Our Lord continues on Easter Day at 8:30 am and at 10 am.

We are deeply grateful to our very gifted photographer, Mr. William Pleydon, for sharing his talents with us.