Sunday, 14 May 2023 – 6th Sunday of Easter

Alleluia! Christ is risen!
The Lord is risen indeed, alleluia!

Masks are not required for attendance at worship, but many people continue to wear masks to services to protect themselves and others. Please know that you’ll be welcome in the service, whatever decision you make about masking yourself.

Frank Wesley's painting "The Holy Spirit"

You can join the service, live or later, via YouTube. The live-stream begins at about 9:45 am, and the service begins at 10 am. You will also be able to watch or re-watch the stream on YouTube at this link at any later time.

The order of service is available here. It includes the readings, responses, and the words to the hymns–helping you to join in as fully as possible via the live-stream.

This is the Fifth Sunday of Easter. Here’s what Sundays and Seasons writes about this Sunday and the readings we’ll hear:
Jesus does not abandon his followers. Through the Holy Spirit, Jesus comes to abide with his disciples of every generation. As Pentecost draws near, we are reminded that the risen Christ dwells in us as the Spirit of truth. We receive this Spirit in baptism and pray that in our gathering around the Lord’s table the Spirit will transform us to be the body of the risen Christ in the world.

Our image this week is “The Holy Spirit” by Frank Wesley. The artist has granted permission for the non-commercial use of this image with attribution; we are grateful to him for permission to use it! Wesley, Frank, 1923-2002. The Holy Spirit, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. [retrieved April 25, 2023]. Original source: Estate of Frank Wesley,