Feast of the Ascension (Sunday, May 12th)

A Coptic icon of the Ascension

You can join the service via YouTube!
The stream will begin shortly before 10 am, and you’re able to watch or re-watch the live-stream at this YouTube link at any time.

The order of service is available here.
You may wish to having it at hand when you join the live-stream. It includes the words to the hymns, the readings & all of the responses–it makes it easier to join in, remotely. It also includes prayers you may wish to offer during the reception of the Eucharist.

Today we’re observing one of the seven Principal Feasts of the Church–the Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord. Here’s a note from Sundays and Seasons that speaks to the readings we’ll reflect on together:
In today’s readings the risen Christ ascends into heaven and his followers are assured that the Spirit will empower them to be witnesses throughout the earth. The disciples are told to not gaze up into heaven to look for Jesus (Acts 1.11); we find his presence among us as we proclaim the word and share the Easter feast. We too long for the Spirit to enliven our faith and invigorate our mission.

Our cover image is a Coptic icon of the Ascension.