Sundays at 8:30am and 10am 1831 King St. East, Hamilton

(905) 549-4335

Tag: Great Litany

  • Thinking about Chairs – Part 1

    From Advent through until just after Epiphany this past year, we experimented by removing three pews on each side of the church and putting the chairs from the chapel in […]

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  • Save the Date – June 7th!

    On the afternoon of June 7th, 2020, join us in the Nativity Gardens for their formal blessing by Bishop Susan Bell! Construction of the Nativity Gardens begins this fall. This […]

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  • Going to the Polls

    I’ve taken my son with me each and every time I’ve voted in his lifetime–municipally, provincially, and federally. What’s struck me the last few times he’s accompanied me to the […]

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  • Circle of Love, Support, and Solidarity

    Let’s show our support for our Muslim neighbours! Our major celebrations of worship each week as Christians typically happen on Sunday mornings, as we celebrate the good news of the […]

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  • Christmas Traditions

    Even as we prepare to celebrate God making God’s home with us, the God we meet in Jesus Christ, we all have important personal traditions. For many, it’s a special […]

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  • Bells for Peace

    On July 28, 1914, the First World War began. On August 4th, the United Kingdom declared war on Germany, bringing the then Dominion of Canada into the war. Speaking with […]

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  • April 15th Services Cancelled

    Ice Storm Causes Unsafe Roads, Cancelled Services Due to this weekend’s massive winter storm with significant amounts of freezing rain and high winds, all services at the Church of the […]

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  • Ecumenical Worship in Lent

    The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity may have concluded yesterday, but here in East Hamilton we’re gearing up for the most visible expression of that unity in our community. […]

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